Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Why does Barrack Hussein Obama have an Arabic name?

al Baraq is the name of Muhammad's magical winged horse from his dreams

Hussein is Arabic too

Obama's entire family is Muslim.

Please explain the historical connection between African and Arabs and Islam and how he came to have this name and not an African name.

Why does Barrack Hussein Obama have an Arabic name?
Because Muslim is an Arabic religion and they are all Muslims. obama was born to Muslim father and an atheist mother...he now claims to be christian and attends a racist church in Chicago. Talk about bad judgment!! Why keep attending a very racist church with very divisive , radical people while you try to become President of the USA? Because he knows how many people don't bother to find out the stuff that doesn't appear on the popular TV shows??? Man, he thinks we are dumb!! And MANY of us apparently ARE!!!
Reply:He was named after his father Barrack Hussein Obama Sr. who was born muslin in Kenya.
Reply:And how many immigrants from ALL different countries who helped BUILD America have names that honor their countries?
Reply:His parents gave it to him. Duh.
Reply:Because he is a muslim. He is from an Arabic muslim ancestry. How else?

A Hussein president over us??? Wake up America, wake up and take off your blindfolds. And, while at it, remember to put on your thiking caps.

Wait till you have our white house occupied by a muslim named Barack Hussein Obama. The same Hussein in Saddam Hussein, same Hussein in Osama Hussein Bin Ladden, same Hussein in Uday Hussein, same Hussein in Qusay Hussein. They all originate from the same ancestral family house. He is one of their own. See how well that muslim outfit fit him in Africa?


Oh! yes, it's still an as_, if you don't know.

THIS IS WHAT bml333 02:56:42 AM Mar 04 2008 WROTE:

"Barack Hussein Obama... Sr, A black MUSLIM

From Nyangoma-Kogel, Kenya and Ann Dunham, a white ATHIEST from Wichita, Kansas.(OBAMAS PARENTS) When Obama was two years old, his parents divorced. His father returned to Kenya.

His mother married Lolo Soetoro, a RADICAL MUSLIM from Indonesia. When Obama was 6 years old.Obama attended a MUSLIM school in JAKARTA.

Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that he is a MUSLIM. He is quick to point out that, "He was once a MUSLIM, but that he also attended Catholic School.

Lolo Soetoro, the second husband of Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, introduced his stepson to ISLAM. Obama was enrolled in a WAHABI School in JAKARTA.

WAHABISM is the RADICAL teaching that is followed by the MUSLIM TERRORISTS who are now waging JIHAD against the Western World!!! USA!!!

The MUSLIMS have said they plan on destroying the US from the inside out, what better way to start than at the highest level - Through The President Of The United States, One Of Their Own. Wake up America, wake up and take off your blindfolds."

These people believe that the more Americans they kill, the better their chances of going to be with their prophet.

They bomb our embassies abroad, they run commercial airlines full of passengers into an icon of the pride and success of our civilization, just to putus to shame and disgrace us, then the next thing we do, we raise their son, a muslim, named Hussein, president over us??, wake up, you all. take off your blindfolds and put on your thinking caps.

Just read his books he wrote before entering into American politics. He hates us whites with a passion, his mentors are the most radical black leaders with deep hate for whites.

A Hussein is a Hussein is a Hussein. Just wait till you wake up the next morning with our White House occupied by a muslim called Barack Hussein Obama. Wake up America.

When the rest of the world say America is growing dumber and dumber, they're not talking about our kids grades in school, they're talking about the dumb choices we keep making in this society. Wake up before we cause another blunder.
Reply:His entire family is Muslim?

How could that possibly be when he's an African-American black man who is married into a CHRISTIAN family?

Just like I tell everyone else: CHECK YOUR FACTS BEFORE YOU POST!
Reply:A lot of Africa has many ancentrial connections with the middle east. Also, much of northern Africa is also muslim.

About his name, from what I've heard, his father, or other relative on that side, was the decider on that name before that side of his family split. Not totally sure on that part of the story.

And, for the record, Obama's entire family isn't Muslim. He has many Christians on his mothers side. And, even if they were all Muslim, this wouldn't mean that he was Muslim, as religion isn't an inherent gene, its a choice.

Finally, anyone who has problems with someone's race, religion, or nationality needs to look deep within themselves and ask themselves 'am I a bigot?'.

He's got a Arabic/Muslim name(more towards Muslim because its not just old Persia that followed this religion and named their children this way, much like a Christian would name their child Micheal or Gabrielle) because that was the way of his Kenyan roots.

When you look at it, even from a Christianical point of view, Aramathia is the birthplace of humanity. Joseph of Aramathia....was an Arab. The Garden of Eden was in the middle of the Tigris and Euphrates river...somewhere around current Baghdad.

The connections between areas of the world and religions runs deeper than most like to think.
Reply:He was named after his father who was from Kenya. Kenya is not generally considered part of the Arab world. They are about 10% Muslim and his father happened to be one. Obama isn't, nor was he ever, a Muslim.
Reply:His Dad wanted a Jr. and thats how he got his name. You know how a mans ego is with his first born son. Come on. And, Obama was born in Hawaii, and not as a Muslim either.
Reply:I'm a little confused as to why this is important at all.

No one is out screaming Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton's middle name(s) or John Sidney McCain's middle name when they are mentioned. But everyone opposed to Barak Obama feels that his middle name must be used every time. Hmmm, wonder why this is?

Could it be a pathetic and childish attempt to link Obama to Muslim extremists, simply by the accident of having what is actually a fairly common name?

My husband and I are about as white-bread American as they come. Yet we gave our blue-eyed, blonde-haired baby boy a distinctly Japanese name. It doesn't mean we aren't Christian, or that we're secretly of Japanese descent, or anything else. It's simply a name we really like.

Why must people explain their names as if they should be a strike against them? I mean, Mike Huckabee's name is kind of funny-sounding. How can anyone not laugh when they hear that name? It's pretty silly. Should that mean he should be taken less seriously as a politician? Maybe he should be a stand-up comic instead?

Besides, I really could care less what religion Obama is. I hadn't even bothered to check. That's because every religion has its normal adherents and its nutjobs. Think of how many people you know who are Baptist--are they all like the horrible Westboro Baptist Church fundamentalists who protest at soldiers' funerals? Probably not. Nearly all Baptists are appalled that these hatemongers use the names "Baptist" and "Christian," as their activities are so antithetical to everything held dear by real Baptist Christians. The Westboro Baptists are a sect wedded to hate.

Anyone who thinks all Muslims are just like the terrorists needs to examine their own conscience, and ask themselves if they would like to be seen as just like the military funeral protestors. Same religion, same name, right? And what about the Inquisition? Is that what Christianity is all about, torturing people until they "confess" to being witches, torturing them further until they give out the names of other "witches," then burning them all (women, children, infants, etc) at the stake?

Muslims throughout the world abhor terrorism. Get to know a Muslim, you will be surprised. They are just like you, loving peace, caring for their families and neighbors, trying to live a good life. I know many Muslims, and without exception they are both gracious and good.

Yet, just like in Christianity (and all religions, for that matter), there are idiots out there who want to interpret scriptures to excuse their own violence and hate.

Come on, people, let's move on to real issues. This name game is a red herring.
Reply:Arabic is the traditional language of followers of the Islamic religion, just as Hebrew is the Jewish language and Latin was the traditional language before Martin Luther and King Charles.

Moslems invaded Africa in about the eighth century and spread their religion, don't you know what a Moor is?

How do you write the Arabic name "Akil" in Arabic?

Akil ----%26gt; ( you mean food right?)

Translation -

( أكل )

How do you write the Arabic name "Akil" in Arabic?
There are many spelling of the name, including "Akil" or "Aqil"

or "Akeel" or "Aqeel" so the "i" is a long "ee" not a short one, which may have caused confusion.

This is How the name Aqil to be written in Arabic:


meaning the "intellectually Supreme"....that's the closest translation I can come up with.
Reply:It can be "عاقل" or "عقيل"

If it is from the greater Syria, it is usually the first, and if it is from the Arabian Peninsula, then it is usually the second.

Hope this helped.
Reply:عاقل aqil means wise, inteligent.

What is the arabic name for rye flour and from where it is coming from?

the arabic name is 噩丕賵丿丕乇 (Rye) 賴賵 毓卮亘 賳賲鬲 毓賱賶 賳胤丕賯 賵丕爻毓 亘丕毓鬲亘丕乇賴丕 賲賳 丕賱丨亘賵亘 賵丕賱賲丨丕氐賷賱 丕賱毓賱賮賷賴. . 賵賴賷 毓囟賵 賲賳 丕賱賯賲丨 賯亘賷賱丞 (triticeae) 賵鬲乇鬲亘胤 丕乇鬲亘丕胤丕 賵孬賷賯丕 丕賱卮毓賷乇 賵丕賱賯賲丨. . 鬲爻鬲禺丿賲 丨亘賵亘 丕賱噩丕賵丿丕乇 賱賱胤丨賷賳 貙 賵禺亘夭 丕賱噩丕賵丿丕乇 貙 亘賷乇丞 丕賱噩丕賵丿丕乇 貙 賵亘毓囟 丕賱賵賷爻賰賷 貙 賵亘毓囟 丕賱賮賵丿賰丕 貙 賵毓賱賮 丕賱丨賷賵丕賳丕鬲. . 賰賲丕 賷賲賰賳 兀賰賱賴.

賴匕賴 亘匕乇丞 賲賯丕賱丞 毓賳 丕賱毓賱賵賲 丕賱夭乇丕毓賷丞 鬲丨鬲丕噩 賱賱賳賲賵 賵丕賱鬲丨爻賷賳貙 爻丕賴賲 賮賷 廿孬乇丕卅賴丕 亘丕賱賲卮丕乇賰丞 賮賷 鬲丨乇賷乇賴丕.

鬲賲 丕賱丕爻鬲乇噩丕毓 賲賳

Rye is grown primarily in Eastern, Central and Northern Europe. Main rye belt stretches from northern Germanythrough Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuaniaand Latviainto central and northern Russia. Rye is also grown in North America (Canada and the USA), in South America (Argentina), in Turkey, in Kazakstan and in northern China

Please help me to translate my name in Arabic sentence?

My name is Dorainah. I would like to know my name in Arabic sentence.

It is important to me for something assignment.

Please help me to translate my name in Arabic sentence?
I am not sure what the second part of the sentence is supposed to mean. The first part is: إسمي درينة

Please clarify the second part since it could be a couple of things such as "I would like to see my name used in a sentence," or perhaps "I would like to know what my name is in Arabic." Or something else. I'm just not sure and don't want to overreach.

african lily

How do you pronounce the Arabic name Ziyad?

Dear Amir***

Zi****** zee

yad**** say the word 'cut'

now say yad the same way!!



How do you pronounce the Arabic name Ziyad?
Reply:it's zye-ahd or if u prefer zee-ahd
Reply:ziii - add
Reply:zee yad
Reply:ZIYAD...it's easy.
Reply:Sounds like the alphabet "z" and then the word "yard" minus the "r." The name means "Superabundance."
Reply:I don't know, but when I read It It sounded like It would be pronounced

Zee-add= Ziyad Or

Z- eye- add
Reply:Actually, it is pronounce as Zee-Y-Uh-D.

Zee (as if a 'zip')

Y-Uh-D (as if a 'yard')



Hope I help, why were you asking anyway....
Reply:I think it's like ZI-EAD..(prenouncing the I like EYE)
Reply:Zee-yad......if you say it slow, it sounds like a cool car name.....The Zee-yad !!!
Reply:Zee - Yad ..... similar to the name of the famous Arabic character "Tariq bin Ziyad".
Reply:Zee ad

Can anyone tell me what this Arabic name means?

Rashiiq Fa-Serr

Just a general idea of what the meaning is. I know it won't translate literally or anything. It's my horse's name and I've always been curious. Thanks for your answers in advance!

Can anyone tell me what this Arabic name means?
The first part.. Rashiiq.. 乇卮賷賯 means graceful..

I'm not sure about the other part.. If it's supposed to be %26gt;%26gt;%26gt; fi'ssir

賮賷 丕賱爻賷乇.. then it means ( at walking)

so all together, it means something like: gracefully walking..
Reply:Its weird I've heard of that name being for horses before. Typically there called Rashi but thats likely an english thing to do. Rashiiq as a baby name in indian means collection. Fa-Serr i have no idea the meaning (do surnames even have meaning? i dont know mine) but it was the name of a famous arabian prince's black stallion's name. Could that be it? Hmmm, lol
Reply:Rashiiq = fleet, brisk, willowy or svelte

fa serr = I don't know what you meaned by it but it could be like the one above said it could be true and your pronouncation wasn't that good,

Hope I helped
Reply:Rashiq means - gracius, like a gracious horse or so.

Fa-Serr is not an Arabic name.
Reply:Ummm I think Fa-serr means so-walk

it's like your graceful so walk

How do I write my name in Arabic?

Can you tell me how to write my name (Marie), and my husbands name (Elias) in arabic?

How do I write my name in Arabic?
marie (賲丕乇賷 )

Elias ( 丕賱賷丕爻 )
Reply:賲丕乇賶 = marie

I can't help you with Elias, sorry.

Reply:賲丕乇賷 = Marie

丕賱賷丕爻 = Elias
Reply: 賲丕乇賷

廿賱賷丕爻 it will be pronounced eelias

How do I write my name in Arabic?

Can you tell me how to write my name (Marie), and my husbands name (Elias) in arabic?

How do I write my name in Arabic?
marie (賲丕乇賷 )

Elias ( 丕賱賷丕爻 )
Reply:賲丕乇賶 = marie

I can't help you with Elias, sorry.

Reply:賲丕乇賷 = Marie

丕賱賷丕爻 = Elias
Reply: 賲丕乇賷

廿賱賷丕爻 it will be pronounced eelias

rose of sharon

How do you write a full arabic name?

IE; I read there is more than just a last, middle, and first name, there are more names in between. Can anyone explain to me what these other names are? EXAMPLE;

Abu Karim Muhammad al-Jamil ibn Nidal ibn Abdulaziz al-Filistini

P.S. Can anyone give me a link or something to site that can teach me how to read and write arabic script?

Thanks to you,

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Akeatia Moneskoloth Okreza

How do you write a full arabic name?
It's written from right to left.We begin by the name of the person then his father's name them his grandfather's name.Always that's enough,but some write the fourth name if his three names(his name,father's ,grandfather's) are repeated in other names.Some countries seperate between names by the word(ibn)which means son.

For learning Arabic,you can sign in this site


What is the correct pronunciation of the Turkish/Arabic name "Gulten"?

Please indicate whether the "t" is a hard of a soft "t". Also, is the "g" pronounced as in "General", as in "Good" or almost like a soft "h" as in "gyro"? If you know what the word Gulten means, that would be great too. Thank you!

What is the correct pronunciation of the Turkish/Arabic name "Gulten"?
Hi, it's a Turkish name, and it's my sister's name :D

"G眉l" means rose in Turkish and "ten" means skin. So, it means

someone who has skin like rose.

"t" and "g" are both pronounced hard. The word reads something like "gewltan".

What is a good Arabic name for a baby boy?

I am looking for a good male Arabic name for my soon to be son..he is half-arab, half-american.. I would prefer something a little unusual but easy to pronounce. (No offense, but Muhammed, Mahmoud, Ahmed and their derivatives are nice names, but a little too common..) Any suggestions?

What is a good Arabic name for a baby boy?













































....ummm that's it for now...if i remember any more, i'll let you know!
Reply:my lil bros name is Faris and most of my freinds think its a cool name it means knight btw


Reply:What about Mohamed or Bin.
Reply:tariq is trendy

moheb means the one who gives love (my husbands name)

rafeek, hatem, waleed, amir (prince} ramy, jousef......
Reply:my nephew is name Hani

He is half arab half English born in USA.... I like that name not too hard to pronounce.




Reply:i love the names Fahad and Imran.
Reply:i like the names Zane and Samir
Reply:Hamza, Omar, Ali, Seleem, Mustafa,
Reply:how about faris , hatim or osama
Reply:Karif or Leron
Reply:I knew a lebanese woman whose sons were called Adam (or Adham), Yossef and Murad

(Her nephews were called Anis and Ryad)

I think those names are fashionable in the middle east.


Reply:Jalil or Khalil both are accepted

It means friend and it is used for boys

It is my father`s name.
Reply:How about Arif... means "knowledge"
Reply:fahad ,











salem (wich is also a foriegn non arabic name)





Reply:Kareem, Ali, Mustaffa, Bilal, Sieed, Zayen, Ziyed, Ibrahim, Hamdy,

What is the meaning of the Arabic name Sofiya?

Meaning: Its source is an Arabic expression meaning "Confidante."

Languages: This girl's name is used in Arabic.

Variant Forms: Safya

What is the meaning of the Arabic name Sofiya?
Reply:Good question
Reply:I thought that was an Italian name...
Reply:It is a name of Greek origin, but I believe either way, it means "wisdom".
Reply:It is an arabic form of the Greek name and means "Wisdom" specifically in the context of " Secret Wisdom" or "God's Wisdom" - the Great Mosque in Istanbul was once a great Byzantine Cathedral called "Santa Sophia".


What is the meaning of the Arabic name Nuha?




Intellect, mind

What is the meaning of the Arabic name Nuha?
Karen is right.

The name is also used to indicate "wisdom".. Ahl al Nuha: People of wisdom!
Reply:Why would you pick a strange name like that without knowing the meaning?
Reply:I know Nudar means 'gold'? Maybe it's a variant..I spell it Nuhar.

How do i write my name in Arabic,my name is Shahied?

shaheed is what it would be

What is the correct pronunciation of the arabic name TARIQ?

Does it sound like in "TALK", or like in "QUICK", hopefuly Im making myself clear enough on this question.

What is the correct pronunciation of the arabic name TARIQ?
Tar - RICK
Reply:the "TA" in tariq is pronounced as the TA pronounced in the word 'tamil(a language)' while th RIQ in tariq is pronounced as the RICK in 'Ricky "
Reply:'taa - reek' second syllable emphasis
Reply:its pronounced Tah-Reek

How do you pronounce the arabic name Rayan in English? Is it the same as the name Ryan?

I am referring to the Arabic name and how people who speak Arabic pronounce it. Does it sound similar to the English name Ryan or is it more like Ray-in or Ray-ann or Ray-on............? Thanks for your info,

How do you pronounce the arabic name Rayan in English? Is it the same as the name Ryan?
It is: raiyan,the "iy" is very deep ,rai:like in "say" ,yan like in yankee,it means:juicy,succulent



Reply:i noe someone with that name and ppl here don't call him the american ryan- they are able to pronounce rayan (pronounce, like, raaayuuuunn.)
Reply:ry ann

how to grow bamboo

Do you think that Americans are going to truly elect a black president (Obama) who has an arabic name?

Naw, just the majority of smart Americans will. The other portion will just have to whine about it.

Do you think that Americans are going to truly elect a black president (Obama) who has an arabic name?
I hope not. I do not believe Mr Obama is qualified to be our President. I don't think he has our country's best interests in mind, and I don't believe he is a lover of America.

Many people don't know this, but years ago, before the Sept 11 attacks, some radical Muslim leaders were quoted as saying that the best way to take down America is to have a Muslim in power, thereby taking the country down from the inside. Mr Obama does not salute our flag, and does not support our nation's history and Godly heritage.
Reply:We have the opportunity to end our social apartheid electing a democrat candidate and we have the opportunity to break the sexist society electing a democrat woman candidate too.

Those people grew up in the legal apartheid does not wnat the change... like Maca Cain.
Reply:The people of America, I should hope, are smart enough to judge a candidate on what he or she can accomplish in the Oval Office... not what thier name will look like on the door.
Reply:I most certainly hope not, and it's not because of his name.

I used to support Obama but I do no longer.
Reply:No, but not because of his race or name. Because he is severely unqualified for the job, has poor judgment and is a con artist.
Reply:It wasn't his name...

was his exposure!

He is about finished...

I'll stop there.
Reply:I certainly hope not because if they do I will seriously consider moving to Canada. Not only does he have an Arabic name but personally I don't think he is qualified for the job. There are many other black guys that are much more qualified such as Colin Powell. Hell for that matter, I think that I am more qualified than Obama. The last thing that we need in the white house is someone who may be a Muslim or some black idiot like Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson.
Reply:No. He's going to keep digging his own hole.
Reply:No. He is falling apart and hopefully Hillary will take advantage of this and get the nomination. Obama looks less like a president every day.
Reply:Yes. He did not name himself, his parents did. We are going to elect the man not his name.
Reply:I hope so. We need someone who speak like he does.
Reply:Anything is possible in love, war and politics..a prejudice attitude gets you nowhere, except for yourself to look silly...we are so far over all of this crap now...
Reply:Half of the Democratic Party did. Many Americans don't care about his name.
Reply:Not gonna happen.
Reply:Well, they elected a rich guy, named after a shrub....three times.
Reply:we've always elected people on names - does Bush, Clinton, and Kennedy sound familiar?

but too many of americans won't elect a person with a "bad" name. The "Hussein" (Obama's middle name) card has been played already. Even in NY, during the last mayoral election, lots of people didn't vote for a guy named "Wiener" because of that name. Mayor Wiener didn't sound right. Its too bad because the Wiener guy was a better candidate than Bloomberg.
Reply:Should we chase down actor Omar Shariff too, for daring to have an "arabic" name?

Should we stop using numbers 1, 2...8,9..because they were invented by Arabs?
Reply:He has the chance but I don't think he'll last. He might be completely overwhelmed or do something stupid and step down or someone will kill him. There are many many racist spics in this country, more than you would expect, and you know if they don't normally vote they would this time. I don't support him, but I despise all three of the traitors: hitlery (or is she communist?), the black supremacist, and mcbush. I don't have kind words for any of them.
Reply:Lets's see. 13% of the population is black. 70% is whitel about 20% is all others. If he gets all the black votes and an equal amount of white votes, he will have 26% of the votes, That leaves Hilliary with 57% of the white vote. The other 20% could be split. I think that would give Hilliary the Nomination. The answer to your question is NO!
Reply:I wouldn't vote for him because I think he is full of ****. All politicians are. But people seem to forget that Hillary has done more for the underprivileged than BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA has ever done. THAT'S what baffles me. But he does have a name that strikes fear of terrorism, IMO.
Reply:No, his race and name only have a little impact..His lack of experience, hatred for the white man, religious beliefs and being surrounded by fools will be his demise...
Reply:Since this question has been asked in various forms repeatedly, why did you waste your time asking it again?

If Obama is African then why does he have an Arabic name?

I am referring to his middle name, Hussein.

If Obama is African then why does he have an Arabic name?
because he is the antichrist.
Reply:MANY Africans have Arabic names.... they are most likely muslim.

In Nigeria, I've known people who were named Kazeem, Hakeem, Aminat, Halimat, Hassan, Fausat.... these are all muslim/Arabic names. Hussein is no different. I heard his Kenyan dad was a muslim?

Oh and by the way Obama is only HALF African.
Reply:Yep. Try to make Obama non-African

so you don't have to deal with the fact

that we have a Black President.

P.s. By adding that in the details section

you only further confirmed that you are

in fact delusional.

You are also an insecure, pathetic racist.
Reply:Because hes dad was a Kenyan Muslim, Islam is a

Part of Arabic culture and that's why he has a Arabic name.
Reply:Islam widely influenced different parts of Africa and as we know, his father was Kenyan.

I watched a documentary on him and his name given to him by his parents was Barry! But he changed it to Barack in college
Reply:If white Americans are of European origin then why do they have dumb double-barrel Christian names? Instead of normal - one.
Reply:Because Islam is a main religion there. And does it matter? Kimora Lee Simmons named her kids after Japanese names, even though they are only 1/4 Asian. Does it really matter?
Reply:Islam originated in africa. The swahili language originated in africa
Reply:Islam was and is an extremely important influence on African history. Many regions in Africa are dominated by Islam and Arabic culture.

Barack is also an Arabic name.
Reply:people can name their children as they please. i know a black guy named miguel, and he is in no way hispanic.
Reply:His father was Muslim. Islam is one of the biggest religion in Africa.
Reply:My name is Victoria and am black : )

lol just made myself laugh.
Reply:because he's cool like that. duh.
Reply:Because he's a closet muslim who wants to destroy the USA that was built by White Europeans.

Anyone know a good Arabic baby name site that has pronunciations for each name?


Anyone know a good Arabic baby name site that has pronunciations for each name?
has names and meanings...not sure about pronunciations

Reply:just do a research you will find a website.

What's a good American nickname for the Arabic name "Amir"?

It's spelled "Amir" and pronounced "uh-meer." Americans are a little confused by my name because it's ethnic, and it's hard to remember. What's a good American nickname for "Amir."

What's a good American nickname for the Arabic name "Amir"?
Why do you need an "American nickname"? I like Amir!!!! America is a melting pot, and they need to get with the program! I knew how to pronounce your name- be proud of your heritage!!!!
Reply:What's wrong with Amir? If someone can't remember it, it's because they don't care enough to. Don't worry about it, it's a cool name.
Reply:America? Beats me.

At least it's patriotic.
Reply:Do you have a middle name? If so, you can use the first letter of your first name and the first letter of your middle name (or last name if you dont have a middle name) to come up with a nickname. Say your middle name (or last name) started with a J. They can call you "A.J." Hope this helps.
Reply:people cant remember amir? ok well its not good but how about


mirror ( that is freaky pick that one never heard that one yet even by the prepubescent crowd that like to name babies Everrriehorneblowerisntmynamestupidandsp...

ok ok back to the real world ummm

armor (ohho that is cool too)

wow i am good at this

prince ( that wont raise any eyebrows )

mean ( that is a tough name you would have to have a certain way about you to pull it off ..ie do you go to golds gym at all? )

thats all for now....good luck

i would just stick with amir its your name its easy and it shows your ethnic background which is always good

edited to add

poet has a good idea if you are set on changing it
Reply:well, the meaning of Amir is prince/rich/cultivated.


Ed (Edgar means rich)

Ry (Ryker means rich)

Mael (means Prince)
Reply:you should go by "mi" then you could be like "hey, im mi" like me..haha kinda cool
Reply:Try initials like AJ or whatever works with your middle name.

spider plant

Can someone please recommend a modern Arabic muslim name?

The baby is due InshAllah early next year, and we are having great difficulty in finding a modern but meaningful Arabic name for a girl or a boy! Thank you!

Can someone please recommend a modern Arabic muslim name?
Why do you specify a modern name?

The best names for boys are names of prophets or names referring to characteristics of Allah, such as Adam, Musa, Ibrahim, Isa, Muhammad, Harun, and Abdal-Rahman, etc, also Abdallah.

The best names for girls are names from the families of prophets, such as Sarah, Hagera, Maryam, Khadija, Fatima, Ruqayaa, Um-Kulthum, etc. also Amatallah.

We should avoid names that have bad or negative meanings.

Also names like Rahma and Rahim should not be used, because it may lead people to saying things like "Rahim is not here." (Mercy is not here.)
Reply:Girl: Leila, Iman, Fatima

Boy: Fareed, Khalid, Amir

I don't know what you would consider meaningful. Do you have any deceased, beloved family members you could name your baby after?
Reply:For Arabic names used in the MiddleEast:

Boy Names:

Omar, Khaled, Sameer, Hussain, AbdAllah, Amr, Zaid, Tamer, Laith, Ahmad, Mohammad, Ibrahim, Hussam, Basel, Saif, Bassam, Waleed, Isma'eel, Hazem, Rakan....

Girl Names:

Sarah, Farah, Tala, Dina, Dima, Rasha, Zein, Zeina, Rawan, Razan, Fatma, Asma, Faten, Maha, Mariam, Rula, Shatha, Diana, Dana....

hope I helped :)
Reply:HEY i used this website to find a name for my sons. They have heaps from all cultures. including Arabic (%26amp; Italian which i needed)

hope it helps

Reply:Tariq (Boy), Khalid (Boy, I think), Farrah (Girl), Sultan (Boy), Ali (Boy)
Reply:When I was deployed to Afghanistan I met quite a number of men and women who were Muslim.

These are the names of my favorite man and woman

Kushal (male) [ku-shawl ]

Amira (female) [AmeeRA] (from what I remember, Amira means princess)

People of Arabic descent or those that speak the language, what would be a great unisex Arabic baby name?

I've searched online, but there isn't much there. Something uncommon, with a nice ring to it, would be a great suggestion.

People of Arabic descent or those that speak the language, what would be a great unisex Arabic baby name?
Anwar (ahn-WAHR)- beams of light, i know someone wit this name, and i like it.

Altair (AIL-tair)- bird

Amadi (ahm-AH-dee)- another name for muhammed

Cadi (caddy)- good luck

Ferran (FAIR-enn) baker

Jamilla (jah-ME-yah) Beautiful

Halah (hall-ah) nimble

mariam (MARY-emm) mary

jamilia (jah-MEEL-ee-uh) beautiful

Raja (RAH-jah) hope

Salem (suh-LEEM) peace

Zorah (ZOAR-uh) dawn

myrna (MER-nuh) myrrh

Leila (LEY-luh) born in night

Zia (Z'EYE-uh)(rhymes with Maya) splendor.

there are a lot more, but these are just my favorite :)

unisex name

it means belief
Reply:'Rayaan' (means the doors of heaven, and can be used for boys and girls)

'Noor' (means the sunlight, and also unisex)

'Nadeen' (but I don't know what it means, unisex)

'Jihad' (dieing in the name of God, unisex)
Reply:I found this link


My favourites are Asha (which means lively), Halah (nimble) and Zorah (Dawn). Goodluck.

pronounced sa -mun
Reply:Ara: meaning opinionated

Jaide: meaning goodness

Jameelah/Jamilah: meaning beautiful

Zia : meaning light,splendor

Salem/Salim: meaning Peace

My husband is Arabic we are trying to get pregnant now. If we have a boy we will Name him after my husbands dad (Samir Elias) if we have a girl we will name her either Amira or a more traditional name like Destiny. You can try searching on the net aswell there are many sites that can help you.
Reply:My niece is named Rahil, which is also a male name.
Reply:A great unisex name? Hmm..ok, here are some :

Wisam (we-sam)

I like it. It means "medal of honor".


I like this one even more. It means "peace".

Najah (Na-jaah)

Means "Success".

We'am (We-am)

Has a similar meaning to peace. Except this word really leans toward indicating that people are tolerant of each other and living happily side by side.


Means "Light or Enlightment"

Jihad used to be a common unisex name, not anymore!

Notice that most of these names have a similar ring to them...they all sound like "eee-aaa", or "aaa-aaa"..except for "Noor".


I agree Fatima, Rayan is a nice name.

What is the arabic name for the sofa that is made of long cushions that run along the wall? anyone.?


How do you write my name in arabic. my name is Amaan?

Me, my sister, nephew and neice have Arabic names and I've been wondering for years what it would look like in it's native script.

How do you write my name in arabic. my name is Amaan?
Amaan = 兀賲丕賳 (safety).

Imaan = 廿賷賲丕賳 (faith).
Reply:Amaan: 兀賲丕賳

You have a sweet name
Reply:Hi My dear asker you asking how is your name looks like in arabic language ok But first I Think you want to know whats the meaning of your name your name is ( amaan ) and it means in english ( faith )

Now lets see how is your name looks like in Arabic its like this


ask me any thing you need in arabic If you want to

Hope that I helped you Enough

Best Luck

Reply:mu name is manh
Reply:your name in arabic is:


i have never seen this name before though :) you sure it's the right spelling?

by the way, if your computer does support Arabic the name above might not appear correctly
Reply:It depends how do u pronounce it in Arabic, because I am Arab, but this is not an Arabic name.

Anyways, if it's pronounced exactly as it's written here, then it would be "兀賲丕賳"

Btw, this word means "safety" in Arabic, but it's not a name, like nobody would be called safety.

water lily planting

How does one pronounce the Arabic name 'Qutb'?

Sayyim Qutb was an important Arab scholar. I'm guessing that the pronounciation should be 'Kootib'. Am I right?

How does one pronounce the Arabic name 'Qutb'?
"qutb" is pronounced as "koo-tub"
Reply:he is not a scholar
Reply:it's Sayyed Qotob,distinctive for many books
Reply:It is just like this" kotb

I am an Arab
Reply:"Ku-tab" with the stress on the first syllable.
Reply:Sayyim is not an Arabic name,it could be Sayd Qutub,

pronouced just like it is 爻賷丿 賯胤亘
Reply:Quttib - I have heard of Quttib but not Kootib. I could be wrong.
Reply:Hello, Arabic "u' is not pronounciated like the English one and the strict pronounciation depends on the other letters. Anyway."Kootib" is not right. Kutab/ku-tab/ with stress on the first syllable I deem as correct. Good luck!

What do you think of a pres with an arabic name who has a chief of staff with an Israili heritage?

http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1034... Obama has Muslim roots. It's like having the Middle East at the White House. See the link.

What do you think of a pres with an arabic name who has a chief of staff with an Israili heritage?
I think this is America. These are Americans who are serving their country and I am proud and happy to see such diversity at the highest levels of government. It's inspirational and appropriate for a country in a leadership role in the world.
Reply:I think it shows how diverse America is, that we have people who come from everywhere, but once here they manage to work together. And it shows that people born here are Americans, despite their roots or even perhaps their foreign-sounding names.

Obama is not exactly a Muslim. What you have here is a Christian and a Jew working together. Is that really all that unusual in America? Is it cause for concern?
Reply:Again another small minded person, focusing on a person's background, beliefs and religion.

If bashing did not work then, why do you think it would work now?

In answer to your question: I would want to know why Canadians have free health care and the US does not.

Why does Canada (who is US's biggest trading partner) have a federal surplus, and the US does not!

There are many countries that have different backgrounds that are willing to work with each other for a common goal. Try to put aside the religious bashing and try something a bit more informative for your own good and your country.
Reply:You have to be asking yourself if Rahmbo is really a citizen of the Israel, how can he be a citizen of the US, and if he can't, then who is he being loyal to? Perhaps he's just your average Mossad spy that typically runs around Wash DC and so is no big deal. Duh!!!
Reply:What do you think of a racist republican who lost the election - her moron is moving out of the White House - her world is coming unglued? Do you suppose she'd make up lots of Republican lies to help her through these times?
Reply:It's hope for the region (the middle east). If the leader of the free world and his chief of staff can work together than the people of the Gaza strip can to.
Reply:I care about the fact a President with no experience is going to be in charge of our Armed Forces and his Chief of Staff used to be on the board of Freddie Mac.
Reply:Gee, it's probably very similar to the feelings I'd have were I a US Muslim while GWB was president. As it is, doesn't bother me in the least.
Reply:Why would that bother me? Are only Christian-named caucasians with British heritage allowed in government? It's 2008. Get with it.

*shaking my head*
Reply:It reflects the diversity of Obama's selections, and it provides the opportunity for the new President to garner views from all perspectives.
Reply:I'm more concerned about positions on issues and what actions will take place, not who's grandfather's neighbor's uncle's ethnicity is.
Reply:What do you think of a sitting President with at least a dozen dual-citizenship persons on his cabinet ? Seems kind of dangerous to me. How do we know where their allegiances lie ?

Reply:Obama isn't Arabic and his chief of staff isn't an Israeli. On the other hand if that was true all I could say is..Only in America!
Reply:OH NO! Diversity in the White House?! Has America, land of the free, become multicultural? god help us!
Reply:Sounds like America to me. My people are from Poland, Norway, Finland, France, and Ireland.
Reply:well hopefully israel wont get wiped off the face of the planet.

thats all i can say positively about it.
Reply:Welcome to America. If you have a problem with it then that's your own bigotry talking.
Reply:The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Reply:I don't understand how someone can have "Muslim roots," since Islam is a faith, not a race.


Reply:I would think that you are talking about America the melting pot, not America the hyphenated
Reply:this whole thing is going to be one gigantic freakshow.
Reply:Is Rahm short for Rahmadan?
Reply:I think nothing of it - what's your concern?%26gt;
Reply:I'm OK with it.
Reply:Token Jew comes to mind...
Reply:Not very much...

I don't think very much of him or his cabinet.

How do you pronounce this Arabic last name?

How do you pronounce Jeljli in Arabic?

If you could write it out in Arabic instead of pronouncing it with English letters that would be fine as well.


How do you pronounce this Arabic last name?
Hey well u pronounce it as if u were saying Gel Jelly..:)

And the arabic writing is valid too..

I want to name my twins an arabic name that wouldnt be too odd in the states?

I love Arabic names like Zein, Belal, Layla.. but I dont want them to be too odd you know.. so any suggestions?

I'll have twins.. a boy and a girl...

Thanks in Advance!

I want to name my twins an arabic name that wouldnt be too odd in the states?
Boy's names:































Girl's names:




























These are the most non-odd sounding names I could come up with... all of which are Arabic.
Reply:I guess it depends on where in the States, in the town im in now, there are lots of Arabic people, but other places i lived, it was not as much

Arabic names can be very cool, but you can also find Arabic names are more mainstream.

Layla doesnt sound arabic.

Sayiid is cool, you can say you named him after the cool guy from LOST
Reply:Amir - (prince)

Amira - (princess)
Reply:Miriam and Isa

Riin and Haron
Reply:for your daughter suhaila n 4 ur son amir i think its so cool that you want something more global in names as opposed to the traditional english names good luck and god bless u n the kids
Reply:Hana: Female: Arabic: Bliss, happiness.

Lina: female: Arabic: tender

Ali: Male: Arabic: Exalted, or noble.

Hassan: Male: Arabic: Handsome and good.
Reply:Girls: Nadia, Layla, Aaliyah, Iman, Jamila, Karima, Muna, Rana or Salma

Boys: Ahmed, Juda, Rahim, Adil, Karim, Ibrahim, Amin, Amir, Sayyid/Sayid, Tariq

Reply:Well Kaden is a beautiful arabic boy name that means friend. Sapir is cute for a girl
Reply:We are Ghristians but we have Arabic names

Maybe you dont like them here it go





These star with C











Those are masculine try this page also masculine names


These are masuline and Femenine

Reply:Ramey is a good name for a boy it means loving

Ayah which has a few good meanings; including Modern English a silk cloth; in African sparkling and twinkling and in Arabic it means a verse in the Quran.

Another girl name I can think of is Danya.


How i can write arabic name (乇賵噩賷賳丕 ) in english language ?


pronounced: RA- JEAN- AH


How i can write arabic name (乇賵噩賷賳丕 ) in english language ?
Reply:hi, if its a name i believe its Rogina, yeah it is i asked my mom =D lol bye

What is the name of the night (proper arabic name) of the night (which comes) before ramadan?

it comes long before laylatul qadr... please tell me.

What is the name of the night (proper arabic name) of the night (which comes) before ramadan?
Reply:Shab-e-Miraj comes about a month before ramadan..
Reply:maybe shab e barat?...but it isn't right before ramadan...it's more like 15 days before.
Reply:it is just a regular day!!
Reply:which day exactly?
Reply:Chand raat.

Have you ever come across an Arabic name which you loved?

For either a boy or a girl?

Have you ever come across an Arabic name which you loved?
My Favourite girl arabic names are Fariha and Fatima.

= )
Reply:Yes I actually love the boys names M谩lik, Jamal %26amp; Jamil.
Reply:Yasmeen, Rehan!!
Reply:farah for a girl...it has to be pronounced properly though
Reply:i like Abdul , Maneer, Saleem for a boys name.
Reply:Abraham Abe
Reply:Leila is lovely!
Reply:"malika" for a girl..it means little queen
Reply:Okay I have weird love for Arabic names, so here we go: Khalid is like my absolute favourite male Arabic name, like I 鈾?it! Also the name Mohammed..it just sounds strong to me. Sinan is pretty cool too, and Anwar. For girls, i really like Kalila and Leena/Lina. Kalila means beloved, and Leena/Lina means tenderness. I very much like Fatima(daughter of the prophet Mohammed). That's basically it. byee.
Reply:No it's just a bunch of letters pushed together with a fake sound.
Reply:Al Jalila

Do Muslims have to have Arabic names or can you have an English name?

My Dad is Muslim but my Mum is Christian and they called me Martin Hasan Williams, Martin is after my grandfather as there is a tradition in my mum's family of naming children after their mother's parents. My father's mother is also Christian but my grandfather was Muslim and my grandmother agreed to bring her sons up Muslim.

Do Muslims have to have Arabic names or can you have an English name?
the first Muslims didn't change their names so that they had "muslim" names, so in a way its kind of a bid'ah to demand Arabic names on Muslims.
Reply:You can have an English name or really any name you choose. I saw several Muslims named differently. Due to the changing world, Western names are becoming more popular and Eastern names given people an "exotic" choice. I've met Christian African-American girls who don't have anyone in their family who is/was Muslim with the name Fatima.

Some guys like the name Ali. A Cuban friend of mine is named Israel! Names are a way to allow a parent to be creative or for the few who believe names have power, it allows them an outlet for giivng their children a powerful angle.
Reply:Converts change their name as Muslim names to be identified that they are Muslims by their Muslim names. Islam doesn't require name change unless it is un-Islamic name. A teen ager boy came with other Muslim boys in Masjid. Prophet SAW asked his name. He told his name Abdul Shams. Shams means Sun. He had name from the people who worshipped Sun instead of Allah. Meaning of his name was Slave of Sun. As far as I know, he was the only one whose name Prophet changed saying I change your name to be called Abdul Rahman, instead of Abdul Shams because Sun is not God and you can't be slave of SUN. We don't know any other name change by Prophet SAW.
Reply:Its not about English name or Arabic name.

Etiquette of naming children : http://www.islam-qa.com/en/ref/7180

Reply:Anyone can name their children what they want. Just because you are Chinese does not mean you can't have an English name, just because your Catholic does mean that your name must be from the bible. You just want it to mean something
Reply:Generally name is given when you born. Why are you thinking about your name now? Name will not bring any fame to you. You bring the fame to your name. All the best.
Reply:no you don't have to have an Arabic name, I have a totally un-Islamic name myself, it doesn't affect who I am. :P
Reply:it is k to have a english name .....................but some like to be named after major Islam leader. it is ur choice.
Reply:You can have any name in the world as long as it has a good meaning and doesn't go against Islam.
Reply:duh u can have an english name, though it is good to keep muslim names, so we preserve them. but yea of course its ok.
Reply:heeey ! im from kuwait :D

umm no i don't think so ! i have this friend her dad is from kuwait and her mom is from america and her name is marria :D so i think it's okay :D
Reply:You can have English name.
Reply:Any name. (but as long as it isn't disrespectful of course).

My mother converted to Islam and kept her original name.
Reply:it dont matter as long as it has a nice meaning
Reply:It's alright. Saying you have to have an Arabic name is not right. And it really depends on you.
Reply:whatever you want
Reply:I don't think it matters.
Reply:Doesn't matter.

As long as ur name isn't disrespectful or Kuffir.

Than your cool

Reply:Okay i am a Muslim .. Arabic names for sure

crape myrtles

How do you pronounce the arabic name Rayan?

Someone who speaks arabic and english please reply. thanks.

How do you pronounce the arabic name Rayan?
rai -yaan

Is Obama just another celebrity with a funny Arabic name who wants his name in lights and give out signatures?

Yes. Obama is an empty suit with celebrity status and we all know the intelectual level of most celebrities.

Is Obama just another celebrity with a funny Arabic name who wants his name in lights and give out signatures?

are you looking for people to agree with you?

I'm curious as to what you think?

Now you resort to calling Arabic names funny because they're different than yours. Real mature. Just like those silly ad campaigns by McCain. What a waste of time and money while our soldiers are putting their lives on the line in Iraq. And they're supposed to be funny. Some more Americans just got wounded and killed today. I bet you find that humorous too.
Reply:I have a link for you to watch ... it's a little biased towards obama, but really, it's true if you think about it. [i'm republican .. but i'm not a huge fan of either candidate this year -_- ]

ok so here's the link

Reply:no he's not. quit making lame excuses for john mclame who has no issues to stand on that's why you make fun of someone else rather than stress anything on mclame.

Name is Swahili.

Is Mcain w/e his name is

just another old white guy with the same ol same ol

Yes he is!
Reply:I think you've pretty much summed it up.

How do I pronounce Haaziq Nasir al Din Mubashir, an Arabic name?

This is a muslim/arabic name, I'm just wondering how to pronounce this correctly, thank you for your time.

How do I pronounce Haaziq Nasir al Din Mubashir, an Arabic name?
HAA-zik nas-rood-DEEN moo-BAA-shir comes close...

aa as in Waah!

oo as in cook

ee as in seen

With stress on the capitalized syllables

Is the Arabic name Nawal a feminine word?

I would prefer if someone who speaks Arabic or is familiar with the language would answer this question. I recently named my niece Nawal, which means 'gift' in Arabic. I know that is a girl's name, but my aunt is arguing with me saying that there is a boy she knows name Nawal. Is Nawal an feminine word and that boy has been name incorrectly or is it a unisex name?

Is the Arabic name Nawal a feminine word?
It definitely is a female name. However, since it doesn't have the feminin ending in ''a'', it can be confusing. People give strange names to their kids sometimes. Your aunt knows a boy named Nawal and I know a boy named Fairouz, which is definitely feminin!
Reply:It's a feminine name!

In North Africa,Morocco,Algeria,Tunisia only women or girls have this name!

In some regions there, it means "flower" so that absolutely no boys or men would accept being named so!

dahlia flowers

Whats the meaning of the arabic name Maaz?

I have heard different meanings like


Gods Favourite

Place of Shelter



Which one(s) is/are correct?

Whats the meaning of the arabic name Maaz?
The name, meaning, and origin of Maaz


Meaning: Wood/ wooden.

Gender: M

Origin: Biblical
Reply:Maybe goat. It's probably the way you pronounce it.

Meaning: Wood/ wooden.

Gender: M

Origin: Biblical

Do we have in western worldwide history a precedent of a president with muslim/arabic name?

I found only one. Carlos Saul Menem, President of Argentina 1990-1999.

Does anyone know how it turned out in terms of homeland security?

Do we have in western worldwide history a precedent of a president with muslim/arabic name?
Do we really want a muslim president? I don't think so. Those people have some messed up beliefs.
Reply:Thank you, schmwtdt...whatever. His name is Hebrew %26amp; biblical. Obama is a CHRISTIAN. He was sworn in on a Bible, and all the rumors that he went to a specifically Muslim school are false.

%26amp; no, I don't know how the homeland security turned out.


Have a Great Day! Jesus Loves You.
Reply:What are you talking about?

Barack comes from the Biblical name Barak. In the Old Testament, Barak was a military commander. In Hebrew, Barak means "lightning."

Hussein is an Arabic name that predates Islam. Many Muslims are named Hussein because many Muslims are Arabic. Saying Hussein is a Muslim name is like saying the last name "Smith" is a Christian name. Plenty of non-Christians are named "Smith," but it's a name primarily found in predominantly Christian countries.
Reply:This is a case of completely missing the point or beating a dead horse or a useless expense of bandwidth.
Reply:would you rather have a Huckabee??

come on now!!
Reply:Arabic doesn't mean Muslim.

There are Arabic Christians, Arabic Jews, and Arabic Buddhists.

What's in a name anyways?
Reply:Ha, thats so petty that the only thing people can think of to bash Obama is to make fun of his name, or claim he's muslim.

Even if he were, who cares? But a little education goes a long way. stay in school!

What is the western equivalent of the Arabic name, Jasem?

Jasem is arabic, and means the strong or the powerful. So what would be the western translation, or what would be the origin of this name? Any good information that relates to this question has the potential to get a best answer.

What is the western equivalent of the Arabic name, Jasem?
The name Jasim has no historical presence,it is a derived name,it doesn`t mean strong,or big or powerful...etc,its root is the well known name"Qasim"means the one who swear and also the divider,the "Q"(qaf) changed later into "J"(jeem)by Iraqis and some other Gulf people as they do always,like changing"sharqi"(eastern) into"sharji" and "qareeb"(near) into "jireeb".It has no English translation...
Reply:Some names which also mean strong are Brit, Cody and Renke. Vicky means conqueror and Gabrielle means strong woman of God. Peter means stone or rock.
Reply:It's the adjective for the name (body) in Arabic.
Reply:Samson. (I thought "Thebit" meant strong and powerful in Arabic)?

Does anyone know the meaning of the arabic name Emma?

I'm familiar with the english meaning, but I don't much about its' arabic origin.

Does anyone know the meaning of the arabic name Emma?
Hi, here's some information about that name special for you from me....


Gender: Feminine

Usage: English, French, Italian, Finnish, Dutch

Pronounced: EM-a [key]

Derived from Germanic ermen meaning "whole" or "universal". This was the name of the mother of Edward the Confessor. This is also the name of the central character, the matchmaker Emma Woodhouse, in Jane Austen's novel 'Emma'.

Hopefully I can help you and happy choosing,

Reply:Dis Not Arabic..??Iam From MiddleEast N I Write n Read Arabic !
Reply:Emma isn't of arabic origin - it's teutonic

Aamina or amna - safe or safety - is the closet arabic name I could find.
Reply:According to www.babynames.com, it means "universal"
Reply:I found that it means universal - although my search said the origin was German - hope that helps!

christmas bell

Could someone please tell me the meaning of the arabic name Tarik?

I just love the sound of this name. Unfortunately, I haven't got a clue what it means. I know for a fact it means something coz I've realised most Arabic names do have a meaning. Thanks.

Could someone please tell me the meaning of the arabic name Tarik?
Tarek means "Knocking", or "the one who knocks"
Reply:it means '' evening caller''
Reply:Tariq (طـارق) litrally means "knocker" on the door ,but as a name it's taken from the Quran where it was mentioned in the meaning of some kind of a star,some says it's the pulsars which sends it pulses that knock on the atmosphere of earth.
Reply:Tarik it is a name , if you are going to change to a verb it will be "knock" the door, that's correct , But Tarik it's also a man name _ which by the way my uncle's name_ this name it is been written in the holy Quran in Islam, and it's meaning the star , also has another meaning , the person who arrived at night from traveling.

also there's Tarika: it means the tribe , or the small bed.

if you have any interest in arabic you may go to this website:

Reply:Tariq (or Tarik) means : The Night Visitor . It also means : Morning Star.

What would the full, elaborated history of the name "Jamila", an Arabic name, personify?

My given name, Jamila, an ethnic name of Arabic origin, means: "Beautiful"; a special name given to me by my parents. I have inherited this name throughout my life. I have wondered for a while, but have not yet found answers to, the histories and connotations of this particular name. If anyone here has answers, kind suggestions, or points of reference, please email me. Thank you!

What would the full, elaborated history of the name "Jamila", an Arabic name, personify?
well you should first try searching about it. it shouldnt be too hard. if you need help, let me know. i can help you find it during my spare time.
Reply:my name is Jamila to

my dad is from Morocco Report Abuse

What is the English name of the fruit 'Akidenia' or 'Askidenia' which are the Arabic names?

I am wondering what is the English or scientific name of the fruit. It is citrus.

It is Orange and the pulp is orange also. Fairly small. Sour, but sometimes sweet. Usually has 2 or 3 black seeds in the middle.

I am trying to introduce it to my American friends but I have no idea what to refer to it in the market here in Cali.

What is the English name of the fruit 'Akidenia' or 'Askidenia' which are the Arabic names?
well according to wikipedia.. its Loquat (in lebanese its called Akkadeneh or Akka Dhuniya ... but by the description you say.. it looks a lot like kumquats.. they are like tiny oranges oval in shape like egg shaped with a couple of seeds in side.. (there is a reference to them at the bottom of this loquat link)..
Reply:I thought I might know until you said of the black seeds. Now I would also like to know what it is. Could it be Papyra ? NO I don't

think so......elisayn

Is it a sin in Islam to not give your baby an arabic name, but give them a different unique one?

Only people with knowledge about Islam answer this please.

Is it a sin in Islam to not give your baby an arabic name, but give them a different unique one?
for me, its ok if u not give your baby in arabic name. Its just show your family is muslim. My brother will have a baby after this and he want to give her/his baby in unique name.
Reply:well it doesnt matter if it is arabic as long as it is islamic.. and it depends on the unique one u want to give him or her.. it cannot be any western name though..
Reply:whats wrong with arabe muslim names?

but you can choose any name
Reply:Islam is not The Religion for the Arabs only ... and there is no sin to call your baby any name except the names which contains any kind of polytheism by God ...

And what about the non Arab Muslims ... ?

Of course they can use the names which they know in their cultures ... not the Arab names ...
Reply:I was given a non-arabic name, Azul, which means blue in French. I am so thankful for that as I grew despising people who confuse Islam and Arab. Islam itself is very open for non-Arabs and to assume that Arabic names as being more Islamic than other names in other languages would be presumptuous and un-Islamic.

While people may choose to have Arabic names, I would personally not name my future children any Arabic name to clean Islam from the mistaken notion of being a religion for Arabs.

My friend has named his child Muhammad Jesus Nur Fahad, which I find beautiful.
Reply:I'm muslim and this is my answer:

You can choose ANY name, but you should know its MEANING; so you don't choose Islam contrary name.

I'm sorry because I can't speak English well!


How many Obama bashers that complain about his 'Arabic' name, use Arabic numerals every day?

They should be forced to use roman numerals.

How many Obama bashers that complain about his 'Arabic' name, use Arabic numerals every day?
Not really the same.

With a conservative the numbers go


With a liberal they go


Yes they are both numbers...........but I prefer the first over the second.
Reply:Numbers aren't socialist, left wing, terrorist hugging 'changer's' either.

Reply:If This "barack Hussein Obama" were fighting in Iraq for USA , no one would complain but when he wants to be president, it's a problem...

Well...The lady guarding New York with her flame says a different thing !
Reply:Sorry honey but what else has come out of that part of the world in the past 3,000 years as far as inventions that have helped mankind. Did you stop at numbers?
Reply:I don't think that most repubs/ dems voting repub are complaining about his name. Theya are complaining about his tactics and lies.
Reply:You can also thank the Arabs for a lot of our math, and the divisions of the hours.
Reply:I think the Obama bashers bash based on him lying about his muslim faith not based on his name.
Reply:EVERYBODY. Plus we use "Arabic" things everyday....but they must all be EVIL.
Reply:We should go back to roman numerals, we don't want to give the wrong impression to our youth.

Reply:I could give a crap less about his name. You sound like a whining 12 year old
Reply:I guess that make them Muslims.

Obama Biden
Reply:hello, is there a brain within your reach, grab it because your missing one.
Reply:And that is an elections question how?
Reply:What have they invented since the zero.
Reply:Hello...Mcfly are you there?
Reply:Is that your rank?
Reply:Well I learned in school that we only took the number zero from them..

So what is your point!
Reply:What? Thanks for the 2 pts.
Reply:Is there a point to this?

I've never seen a terrorist named '20'.

What is the ARABIC name for the plant catnip?

catnip is mentioned as a protection against mosquitos but the arabic name is hard to know , arabic sites talk about mint ,cumin,etc only

What is the ARABIC name for the plant catnip?
didn't understand your question neither the answers to it
Reply:if your looking to repell mosquitos,a cintronella plantworks wonderful.
Reply:arabia is not columbia and catnip is a plant that @the pet store

do u want 2 go camping mints are boring and cumin is about sleeping bags

Arabic name.?

ok i'm arab i'm married to a russian, and we live in the usa. we're trying to decide on a baby name. we're looking for something that could work with all three cultures. any suggestions

Arabic name.?
Reply:Romina is pretty.
Reply:kihumilda amo moham muhammad
Reply:How about Alika...
Reply:Sara, or Salma
Reply:You can try my name, Mariam. Or other names, Aysha, Bushra, Ahmed, Shamshad or Habib. Or Ali. Or Fatima. There are so many Arabic names. You can look up on the Internet.

Reply:my name! zohra! lol or zeina. or ambar, or farah, or yasmina, or selina.
Reply:Hey im arabic

Yasmin pronounced yasmeen

Suzzane pronounced sawsan
Reply:Rima is a pretty name
Reply:Abraham, Adam

the best name...