al Baraq is the name of Muhammad's magical winged horse from his dreams
Hussein is Arabic too
Obama's entire family is Muslim.
Please explain the historical connection between African and Arabs and Islam and how he came to have this name and not an African name.
Why does Barrack Hussein Obama have an Arabic name?
Because Muslim is an Arabic religion and they are all Muslims. obama was born to Muslim father and an atheist mother...he now claims to be christian and attends a racist church in Chicago. Talk about bad judgment!! Why keep attending a very racist church with very divisive , radical people while you try to become President of the USA? Because he knows how many people don't bother to find out the stuff that doesn't appear on the popular TV shows??? Man, he thinks we are dumb!! And MANY of us apparently ARE!!!
Reply:He was named after his father Barrack Hussein Obama Sr. who was born muslin in Kenya.
Reply:And how many immigrants from ALL different countries who helped BUILD America have names that honor their countries?
Reply:His parents gave it to him. Duh.
Reply:Because he is a muslim. He is from an Arabic muslim ancestry. How else?
A Hussein president over us??? Wake up America, wake up and take off your blindfolds. And, while at it, remember to put on your thiking caps.
Wait till you have our white house occupied by a muslim named Barack Hussein Obama. The same Hussein in Saddam Hussein, same Hussein in Osama Hussein Bin Ladden, same Hussein in Uday Hussein, same Hussein in Qusay Hussein. They all originate from the same ancestral family house. He is one of their own. See how well that muslim outfit fit him in Africa?
Oh! yes, it's still an as_, if you don't know.
THIS IS WHAT bml333 02:56:42 AM Mar 04 2008 WROTE:
"Barack Hussein Obama... Sr, A black MUSLIM
From Nyangoma-Kogel, Kenya and Ann Dunham, a white ATHIEST from Wichita, Kansas.(OBAMAS PARENTS) When Obama was two years old, his parents divorced. His father returned to Kenya.
His mother married Lolo Soetoro, a RADICAL MUSLIM from Indonesia. When Obama was 6 years old.Obama attended a MUSLIM school in JAKARTA.
Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that he is a MUSLIM. He is quick to point out that, "He was once a MUSLIM, but that he also attended Catholic School.
Lolo Soetoro, the second husband of Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, introduced his stepson to ISLAM. Obama was enrolled in a WAHABI School in JAKARTA.
WAHABISM is the RADICAL teaching that is followed by the MUSLIM TERRORISTS who are now waging JIHAD against the Western World!!! USA!!!
The MUSLIMS have said they plan on destroying the US from the inside out, what better way to start than at the highest level - Through The President Of The United States, One Of Their Own. Wake up America, wake up and take off your blindfolds."
These people believe that the more Americans they kill, the better their chances of going to be with their prophet.
They bomb our embassies abroad, they run commercial airlines full of passengers into an icon of the pride and success of our civilization, just to putus to shame and disgrace us, then the next thing we do, we raise their son, a muslim, named Hussein, president over us??, wake up, you all. take off your blindfolds and put on your thinking caps.
Just read his books he wrote before entering into American politics. He hates us whites with a passion, his mentors are the most radical black leaders with deep hate for whites.
A Hussein is a Hussein is a Hussein. Just wait till you wake up the next morning with our White House occupied by a muslim called Barack Hussein Obama. Wake up America.
When the rest of the world say America is growing dumber and dumber, they're not talking about our kids grades in school, they're talking about the dumb choices we keep making in this society. Wake up before we cause another blunder.
Reply:His entire family is Muslim?
How could that possibly be when he's an African-American black man who is married into a CHRISTIAN family?
Just like I tell everyone else: CHECK YOUR FACTS BEFORE YOU POST!
Reply:A lot of Africa has many ancentrial connections with the middle east. Also, much of northern Africa is also muslim.
About his name, from what I've heard, his father, or other relative on that side, was the decider on that name before that side of his family split. Not totally sure on that part of the story.
And, for the record, Obama's entire family isn't Muslim. He has many Christians on his mothers side. And, even if they were all Muslim, this wouldn't mean that he was Muslim, as religion isn't an inherent gene, its a choice.
Finally, anyone who has problems with someone's race, religion, or nationality needs to look deep within themselves and ask themselves 'am I a bigot?'.
He's got a Arabic/Muslim name(more towards Muslim because its not just old Persia that followed this religion and named their children this way, much like a Christian would name their child Micheal or Gabrielle) because that was the way of his Kenyan roots.
When you look at it, even from a Christianical point of view, Aramathia is the birthplace of humanity. Joseph of Aramathia....was an Arab. The Garden of Eden was in the middle of the Tigris and Euphrates river...somewhere around current Baghdad.
The connections between areas of the world and religions runs deeper than most like to think.
Reply:He was named after his father who was from Kenya. Kenya is not generally considered part of the Arab world. They are about 10% Muslim and his father happened to be one. Obama isn't, nor was he ever, a Muslim.
Reply:His Dad wanted a Jr. and thats how he got his name. You know how a mans ego is with his first born son. Come on. And, Obama was born in Hawaii, and not as a Muslim either.
Reply:I'm a little confused as to why this is important at all.
No one is out screaming Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton's middle name(s) or John Sidney McCain's middle name when they are mentioned. But everyone opposed to Barak Obama feels that his middle name must be used every time. Hmmm, wonder why this is?
Could it be a pathetic and childish attempt to link Obama to Muslim extremists, simply by the accident of having what is actually a fairly common name?
My husband and I are about as white-bread American as they come. Yet we gave our blue-eyed, blonde-haired baby boy a distinctly Japanese name. It doesn't mean we aren't Christian, or that we're secretly of Japanese descent, or anything else. It's simply a name we really like.
Why must people explain their names as if they should be a strike against them? I mean, Mike Huckabee's name is kind of funny-sounding. How can anyone not laugh when they hear that name? It's pretty silly. Should that mean he should be taken less seriously as a politician? Maybe he should be a stand-up comic instead?
Besides, I really could care less what religion Obama is. I hadn't even bothered to check. That's because every religion has its normal adherents and its nutjobs. Think of how many people you know who are Baptist--are they all like the horrible Westboro Baptist Church fundamentalists who protest at soldiers' funerals? Probably not. Nearly all Baptists are appalled that these hatemongers use the names "Baptist" and "Christian," as their activities are so antithetical to everything held dear by real Baptist Christians. The Westboro Baptists are a sect wedded to hate.
Anyone who thinks all Muslims are just like the terrorists needs to examine their own conscience, and ask themselves if they would like to be seen as just like the military funeral protestors. Same religion, same name, right? And what about the Inquisition? Is that what Christianity is all about, torturing people until they "confess" to being witches, torturing them further until they give out the names of other "witches," then burning them all (women, children, infants, etc) at the stake?
Muslims throughout the world abhor terrorism. Get to know a Muslim, you will be surprised. They are just like you, loving peace, caring for their families and neighbors, trying to live a good life. I know many Muslims, and without exception they are both gracious and good.
Yet, just like in Christianity (and all religions, for that matter), there are idiots out there who want to interpret scriptures to excuse their own violence and hate.
Come on, people, let's move on to real issues. This name game is a red herring.
Reply:Arabic is the traditional language of followers of the Islamic religion, just as Hebrew is the Jewish language and Latin was the traditional language before Martin Luther and King Charles.
Moslems invaded Africa in about the eighth century and spread their religion, don't you know what a Moor is?
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