Tuesday, May 5, 2009

How do you write a full arabic name?

IE; I read there is more than just a last, middle, and first name, there are more names in between. Can anyone explain to me what these other names are? EXAMPLE;

Abu Karim Muhammad al-Jamil ibn Nidal ibn Abdulaziz al-Filistini

P.S. Can anyone give me a link or something to site that can teach me how to read and write arabic script?

Thanks to you,

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Akeatia Moneskoloth Okreza

How do you write a full arabic name?
It's written from right to left.We begin by the name of the person then his father's name them his grandfather's name.Always that's enough,but some write the fourth name if his three names(his name,father's ,grandfather's) are repeated in other names.Some countries seperate between names by the word(ibn)which means son.

For learning Arabic,you can sign in this site


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