He is a Christian, so why do so many people still think he is a Muslim? And what's so bad about being Muslim and believing in Islam anyway. America is so racist... What are your thoughts?
Why do so many people think Barack Obama is Muslim? His name is Arabic and he is a Christian.?
Once a Muslim always a Muslim. Anyone who is a Christian knows Obama isn't a Christian. A Christian doesn't mock the Bible like Obama does, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FCNKwHRC...
Reply:Only Hussein is Arabic, Barack is Hebrew and Obama is Kenyan, with no historic religious affiliation. Furthermore, Arabic isn't a religion, it's a culture.
Beyond that... I agree, the layers of bigotry going on here. Because a christian has an arabic middle name he must be Arab. And because he must be Arab he must be Muslim. And because he must be Muslim he must be a terrorist.
Can't argue with that kinda logic, I guess...
Reply:theoretically muslims ( seriously no offense, i don't think this at all) are against america. its not that theres anything wrong with islam but the problem comes in when the entire nation is led by some one who attends church for more then 10 years that condones unamerican activities, and the pastor preaches about america... last time i checked, these aseparationn of church and state so y does the pastor preach about politics. also the idea that obama is muslim comes from his middle which happens to be Hussien( probably spelled wrong).
Reply:Racism involves race, not religion. And he is Muslim. He has proven it over and over despite denying so. Along with his support of Odinga, pictures of him carrying the Koran, etc.
Furthermore, find out what Islam is all about. I cannot condone a "religion" that dictates men beat their wives even if the "think" they might disobey them, says they are nothing and inferior to men, requires they cover up every inch of their body, advocates violence and death to non-Muslims as they believe Islam to be the only true faith, and that believes that good deeds include lying to all non-Muslims. Decide for yourself. But I refuse to even take the chance.
Reply:i agree !! There is an unwritten law and major flaw in American politics, where being a White, Christian man is the way to be. Some people like to argue that this country is 70% christian or something like that.....They dont realize how IGNORANT that is. To vote for someone just because they share your religious beliefs?
America is supposed to be a country of equal oppurtunity and equality regardless of race or religion. And there is something VERY important called 'Seperation of Church (religion) and State" that needs to be taken more seriously.
I feel like with Obama becoming President, that unwritten rule is falling apart, thats awesome. We need that.
Reply:Why do you believe he is Christian? Why do we believe anything about him at all? What proof do we have of anything on this guy except for some books he wrote?
His name is a MAJOR factor in people beliving he is Muslim.
Being a Muslim, believing in Islam is not the issue. Being Muslim and also being POTUS is where I believe the American people will draw the line. Our country was based on a religion, and it was not Islam.
Reply:I know, I know..... Blacks were taken from Africa, most Africans were of the Islamic or Muslim faith. Those religions were taken away from them when they were brought to USA and" taught the proper religion".
Obama's father is from Africa, thus the Islamic/Muslim name, I am a descendant from Africa, thus my Islamic/Muslim name. But do I study Islamic or Muslim religion, no, if I did, would that change how I feel about America, no. BTW, I DO NOT WANT A RELIGIOUS NUT IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!!!
Reply:Because he has a Muslim name, his father and stepfather were/are both Muslims and he was raised and schooled in that faith. He also supposedly misspoke during an interview and mentioned HIS Muslim faith. The only reason he attended a so-called Christian church was for political expediency only, I can assure you.
Reply:Why do so many people think Barack Obama is Muslim, because he is. If you think he is a Christian then you have never read the Bible.
He could clear himself up really quick and announce that he is not a Muslim on national T.V. then see what happens to all of his campaign contrabutions and then I would suppose the rest of the Muslim world would want his life for leaving their religion of false peace.
Reply:Stupidity is rampant in this country. Just think about the last election. The idiot won.
Being of Muslim heritage is not a bad thing. But continuing one's belief in magic, as most religious folk do, is abandoning all rational thought. That is how we (without my vote) elected the government we have.
Anyone remember how to spell "potatoe"? Zzhees, that's stupid!
Reply:well, i dont know if its true but i head that his middle name was hussein,
i dont think he's muslim, actuall, i didnt know people thought that until now. maybe its his name that they stereo type,
oh, and theres nothing wrong being a muslim, i'm not but i dont think that its wrong, everyone has their own religion, their own point of view, and there is nothing wrong with that,
its not doing any harm to anyone......
well, the people on the planes of 9/11 ( i dont know if they were muslim but jst an example) that could be one reason wwhy people are so skeptical about the muslim religion.
i bet if it were any other race, it would be the same story, ( unless they were white ) lol jk
Reply:If you don't see anything wrong with the Muslim religion, then you're just plain blind. Also, if Obama claims so much that he's 'christian', why doesn't he change his name?? His name isn't exactly a Christian name. I can't imagine this country being run by a socialist/Marxist with the name 'Obama' - sorry - just my view! If he was Chrstian, he wouldn't be for killing children being born by botched abortions either - he'd be against killing children - born and unborn!!
Reply:People are desperately not saying what is politically incorrect: he's black!
So in order to express their displeasure, they are picking on other things that are "taboo", the Muslim religion thing, who he has ever met in his entire life, where he was born (you know, when Hawaii was a part of the Middle East).
There are no normal, intelligent and rational Republicans attending rallies for McCain/Palin anymore. They are all 100% nutjobs. We should all be worried about them and their guns.
Reply:I believe he not Christian. Because believing that babies should live is something Christians believe. And if you say you are a Christian and you do not believe babies should live then you do not believe the Word of God. If you do not believe the Word of God, then are you really a Christian?
Reply:If you think back, that rummer was floated by the Clinton campaign during the primaries. Even 60 Minutes did a segment on the story and went to the school he grew up in and found he isnt a Muslim. The while false story has got a life of its own. People just wont let it go. IF IT WERE TRUE, McCain would shout it from the Empire State Building.
I think we should elect the best person for the job, not the whitest. And lets not forget we arent electing a King, we're electing a president who needs congress to do ANYTHING.
Reply:Because he enrolled in a catholic school his first year after his family moved to Indonesia as "Barry Soetoro" (his step-fathers last name) listing his nationality as "Indonesian" and his religion as "Islam". The following year he then transferred to the public Muslim schools... Not the type of thing your average "never been a muslim" Christian does.
Reply:The people who keep saying this are simply helping along the McCain Campaign machine in hopes the one issue voters, racists, and religious zealots will believe the nonsense.
The reality: The McCain Campaign has repeatedly worked on the assumption that most of the voting population is stupid. Such as - women will vote for a woman instead of the issues. Let's scare people and make them think my opponant is a Muslim terrorist!
That's how smart he thinks voters are. I find that insulting. But I can see why he would work on that assumption.
Reply:If he did indeed convert to Christianity, then he should have taken on a Christian name instead of keeping the one he had been given at birth. Most people in the U.S. will continue to associate him with Islam because of his name. The fact that he did not change his name reveals a true conversion has not taken place in his heart.
Reply:Muslims are not bad, but because of terrorists, people always think of RADICAL muslims.
Guess what?
There can be radicals and terrorists in any religion or lack of.
Does anyone remember Timothy McVeigh? He was not a Muslim.
That's my answer to those people.
Those people are retarded.
Reply:I think america classifies muslim as not a religion but as a race
pple need to realize what they're saying. frankly i don't care where he's from and what's his religion, as long he's gonna do the best job to take care of americans and the economy, i trust him
Reply:Only a few Americans realy think he's a Muslim. But many just can't resist the bashing.
There is nothing wrong with being a Muslim.
I hate to say it, but yes, the US is more racist than I'd like to see. For some people, there is a strange comfort in having some other group to blame.
Reply:i completely agree. racism is still one of the biggest problems that this nation has. i don't know why they would think he is a muslim and you're right, why is it bad to be muslim anyways? all muslims aren't terrorists. this country is so ignorant. it's as if there is nothing past the borders of the U.S.
Reply:Because he was a muslim when he was younger and has admitted this to us. The reason it is bad to be a president of a democratic country and a muslim is that the muslim countries HATE the US and sent two airplanes crashing into the world trade center..Remember?
Reply:It's not rocket science less than wise one Terrorist / Traitor Barack Hussein Obama is not a Christian he is a Muslim.
I would hate to be in combat with you when you have a problem with enemy identification.
Semper Fi
Reply:I don't know if he is or isn't but the church he belonged to for 20 years was run by a racist who doesn't like whites or America. And he neer left that church, if he didn't agree with the guy he would never have went again.
Reply:smear tactics by the desperate and bigoted.
They cannot argue the issues because they have no workable policy, so the right tries to scare whitey into voting for the Old Duffer!
Silly, isn't it. I'm so glad our nation is rising above the influence.
Reply:only the uninformed think that. Just like the same uninformed think that being Muslim is evil. People of all major religions only want to live in peace and raise their families. There are idiots everywhere, don't let them get to you.
Reply:I agree with you. They know the name Saddam Hussein, and with that they equate terrorism. White America has always feared the unknown. By Hussein being Baracks middle name, I guess to them it means terrorism.
Reply:Complete with fancy production values like a camera mounted on a crane, The leader of the Nation of Islam refers to Barrack Obama as "the messiah" before a crowd of Black Muslims. See it yourself. But of course, do not judge Obama because he went to the Million Man March, or because his pastor of 20 years was a good pal of Farrakhan. And don't suppose that Farrakhan is more than just another guy in Barrack Obama's neighborhood on the Southside of Chicago.
Look for it on You Tube...yeah vote for this clown.
What did you expect Obama to say on national TV????
"Farrakhan's October 16, 1995 "Million Man March" drew several hundred thousand attendees. Though officially billed as a "day of atonement," a significant portion of the event focused on America's historical and allegedly continuing assault on black people. "The real evil in America," Farrakhan said that day, "is the idea that undergirds the setup of the Western world, and that idea is called white supremacy." Among the notable individuals who helped Farrakhan organize the Million Man March were Al Sharpton, Jeremiah Wright, and Barack Obama."
Oh my, did I read
Barack Obama...I thought he didn't know any of these racist. Oh my!!!!!! Liberal liars....
Sounds like a good Christian man.
Reply:I think his dad is a Muslim. I don't know for sure, what I know is that people like to make things up and make him look like the bad guy.
And you're right, America is racist but once he's elected president of the united states, racist people are gonna have to keep their mouths shut and get over the fact that he's black.
Reply:Prove that he isn't. Better yet, why doesn't HE prove that he isn't? Probably because he can't. My guess is that people don't associate him with the peace loving good Muslim people. I think they associate him more with the Taliban.
rose of sharon
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