Sunday, November 15, 2009

What do you think of the name Zuhrieh? Its an arabic name pronunced Zureeya?

Its the name of my husbands mother who passed away, im just wondering what english speakers think of this name since our baby will probably spend her first years in Canada.

What do you think of the name Zuhrieh? Its an arabic name pronunced Zureeya?
My mother speaks Arabic.

I got her opinion, along with mine.

She likes it a lot, as do I.

It rolls off the tongue, and is a good name.

As an English speaker, I like it.

For two reasons.

It's different, but not idiotically different like most names nowadays.

[It's an actual name.. not something silly.]

And it's pretty.
Reply:I agree with the poster who said you should consider this for her middle name. English speakers will never be able to pronounce it correctly without a lesson, and they will not be able to spell it, either.

Of course, even though it is her middle name, you can all certainly call her by it.
Reply:As an english speaker, i think it would cause your child less trouble if it were spelt Zuria. Simply because it's easier to spell and pronounce. You will still be honouring your mother-in-law.

But if you want to go ahead and spell it in the way that you want, i say go for it. Its gorgeous.

Reply:I think it's very pronouncable. I understand the meaning of the name, although I'm not a fan of it because it starts by the letter Z. Using it as a middle name could be an alternative.

Congrats on the new baby!
Reply:Well i love different names i have to admitt when i first read it i thought it was pronounced Zer-Rii-ah but still love it i live in California if that help i hear we have a lot of uncommen names but who knows
Reply:It is very different, of course, and I wouldn't know how to say it. Use it for her name but maybe call her something else while she is in Canada. Have her go by a middle name or a nickname or something.
Reply:Just like most Chinese they don't have a middle name either.
Reply:Its such a beautiful name!!! Why don't people have such cool names anymore? Its really unique and pretty. :)
Reply:Maybe you should have it be her middle name. Just a though.
Reply:I love it!! It is soooo unique and more people should come up with those kind of names!!

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